Privacy Policy


Globelink Shipping Canada Inc. is committed to meeting our customer’s requirements through a process of continual improvement of management processes and procedures to ensure that all requirements are met in an efficient, timely and cost effective manner.

This will be achieved through:

Continuous improvement in the safety management skills of personnel both ashore and aboard ships, including preparing for emergencies related to both safety and the protection of the environment;

Continuous monitoring of the technical condition of ships and a high standard of qualification of the staff; and Participation of all staff members in Quality and Safety objectives and measures, with a view to a steady improvement of quality of operation, commensurate with economic aspects.


We are committed to providing a safe working environment for seafarers aboard managed ships. To achieve this GLS undertakes to ensure that the following considerations, in particular, are met:

Safety at sea, including safe practices in ship operation, a safe working environment, and safeguards against all identified risks.

GLS actively encourages all Sea Staff to report any accidents and incidents.

Prevention of human injury or loss of life on board having due regard, in particular, as to the risk and exposure of seafarers;

The avoidance of damage to the environment and property from ship operations, in compliance with International Conventions and with due regard to applicable Codes, Guidelines & Standards; the objective of GLS is to have zero spills into the environment, the aim is to eliminate the possibility of pollution at source on vessels managed by Globelink Shipping Canada Inc.


GLS recognizes the need to fight the abuse of Drug and Alcohol on board its vessels. The abuse directly affects the fitness and ability of a seafarer to perform his shipboard duties. It has been ascertained beyond doubt that there is a serious impact of the abuse of Drug and Alcohol on board vessels which is a major cause on marine accidents. Seafarers found to be under the influence of Drug and Alcohol should not be permitted to perform their duties. Therefore, Company Policy towards Drug and Alcohol is to prohibit the misuse of legitimate drugs and the use, possession, distribution or sale of any illicit drug on vessels, and also may substance which cause or contribute to unacceptable job perform or unusual behavior.

The Objective of the policy shall be to have adequate frequency of anytime testing so as to act as an effective deterrent and that Officers/Crew are subjected to surprise not announced random tests conducted by Company’s Doctor at least once in a year. The undersigned further warrants that the policy shall remain in force unless or otherwise specifically notified and that the undersigned shall exercise due diligence to ensure compliance with the policy. It is understood that an actual impairment or any test finding of an impairment shall not in and by itself mean that the Company has failed to exercise due diligence.

Seafarer found to consuming Alcohol & Drugs on board will liable to terminate his contract immediately and repatriation cost will be bear by him and Company will not re-employ.


GLS recognizes environmental protection and management as one of its highest priorities and that every effort shall be made to conserve and protect the environment from marine, atmospheric and other forms of pollution, including office-based waste.

To fulfil our commitment, the Company will:

Meet or exceed all applicable Regulatory, International and National requirements with respect to environmental compliance.

Understand and apply the requirements of its Customers and Principals towards environment protection compliance, when these are more stringent.

Strive to achieve zero pollution, which we define as an undesired release of any marine and/or atmospheric pollutant.

Apply an environmental significance impact test to all identified Company activities both ashore and on board with the aim to continuously improve by setting objectives and targets which will be reviewed and revised regularly and which are appropriate to the nature, scale and impact of the Company’s activities. Where environmental impacts cannot be prevented, the Company strives to reduce these effects by leveraging industry best practices.

Monitor Environmental Compliance on board vessels by means of regular audits, inspections, sampling of record keeping documents.

Ensure the availability of information and necessary resources to achieve these objectives and targets by providing our employees environmental compliance education and training, including oil spill prevention, emergency response, and an understanding of environmental sensitivities.

Promote a culture where employees can suggest steps for protecting the Environment as well as report any non-compliance, holding them accountable for protection of the environment.

Reduce our environmental footprint & adopt measures to mitigate the effects of Climate change by;

Disposing waste in an environmentally responsible manner and reduce the use of non environmentally friendly material.
Minimizing the impact on air pollution by use of fuels that meet internationally recognized standards and efficiently controlling the quantity of fuels burnt so as to control the usage of sustainable resources.
Promote the development and use of environmentally safe technology.
All employees are to comply with this Environmental Policy at all times and to take all necessary precautions to protect the environment. The level of compliance of all staff will be a critical factor in their personal evaluation process. Employees, Contractors and consultants shall not be punished or suffer negative consequences for promptly reporting violations of environmental laws, regulations or policies